Group 2 (Chris, Michael, Wai Cheung, Zack)

Group info

  • Chris
  • Michael
  • Zack
  • Wesley

Discovery / Who is the user?

Interaction Points
Peer Introspection
Breakdown Analysis
  1. Destination switches when shift from car to transit direction
  2. 2 options given for specific location at UPS for cars, don't persist for transit
  3. Time in top bar inconsistent with actual times shown for each route (example: 49 mins in the top bar but shortest route is 1h30)
  4. Default direction type is car, even though I don't even have a car
  5. Walking on a busy street is unpleasant, may want to switch to park or less busy areas for health
  6. Immediately zoom into specifics of route (the transfer points), the whole route isn't that important
  7. Switching from biking to walking doesn't change the type of guidance from bike to foot (example: can't take advantage of shortcuts up stairs)
  8. No option to select departure or arrival time for walking directions
  9. Map doesn't show orientation of me at my current location, have to start moving to see my orientation on the map
  10. Can't start a route not from my current location
  11. Can't save data for a long drive, no offline mode for a route
  12. Can't save searches (workaround: screenshots to save, share and compare)
  13. Orientation of destination (example: directions to the back alley service entrance of a restaurant)
  14. Offline bus information is incomplete or completely missing
  15. Turn right instruction are given after the turn
  16. Audio directions failing while biking, so the feature can't be trusted
  17. Using maps while riding a bike without stopping to check phone
  18. Picking a meeting location based on two people's location
  19. Search for nearby restaurant, but directions set to further location of same restaurant
User Profile

18-30 years old; likes to meet up with friends, social; international oriented; cosmopolitan; eager to explore (hipsters)

Personas and Extreme characters

Persona 1: Rick Bikerman
Very social person, loves to host and organize events and meetups for his friends and others

Persona 2: Social Simon
Likes to hang out with others, afraid of confrontation and therefore does not often get to express his opinion

Extreme character: Emilia the Explorer
Loves to try out new bars, cafés and theaters, has very strong opinions about which makes her argue a lot, some of her friends have a problem with her directness

Use Scenario

Setting: Monday, October 28th, Paris at 16:00h

Personas & Extreme Character: Rick, Simon and Emilia


  1. Rick calls his mom Emilia to meet for coffee after he finishes school, before they run errands in the evening (they decide to bike because it's rush hour)
  2. They share their current locations
  3. Then they look for a café in between where they are, that's easy for both of them to get to
  4. Each plots a route to get to the chosen café
  5. As Rick is leaving his house, he gets a call from his friend Simon about meeting for a coffee, Rick decides Simon should just join him when he meets his mom
  6. Rick shares his meeting plan with Simon
  7. Rick and Simon plan their routes to the café so that they meet up on the way
  8. Everyones meets for coffee

Invention: What is possible?

Oral Brainstorm
Video Brainstorm
Web Search
  1. BikeNav - scenic routes and route sharing for motorcyclists
  2. Bike handlebar mounts for smartphones + water proof cases
  3. Hammerhead Karoo - bike specific GPS unit, with proprietary maps and navigation system built in
  4. RideWithGPS - route recommendations for cycling with POIs saved and shared by other users
  5. Route4Me - complex route planner and route optimizer API (for commercial use)
  6. inRoute - optimal biking routes using weather, elevation, curves; voice-guided, turn-by-turn directions
  7. VoiceMap Audio Tours - mobile app, live location to play audio automatically, includes offline maps
  8. PocketGuide - automatically guides you through the city by voice, "like a real tour guide"
  9. SmartGrips - vibrating bike grips deliver 'handy' directions
  10. Google Maps - create custom lists, share via text, email, social networks and messaging apps
  11. Happy Maps
  12. MeetWays - MeetWays helps you find the halfway point, a list of ideal meeting points, driving directions, and local reviews to choose the place
  13. What’s Halfway: Browse Things to Do, Instead of Searching - enter two locations, see a halfway point and checkmarks to browse specific things to do in given areas: food, cultural destinations and accommodations
  14. - find new friends to meet with
  15. - create groups of people who meet up together in a particular city or event.
  16. - travel together with new friends to a different country
Design Dimensions
  1. Feedback: planning the day before — alert time/distance before event — current location — really review of all use
  2. Customization: no user profile — user profile + user history + user preferences
  3. Selection: system only gives one option — select from several options — build perfect option by hand
  4. Sharing: never share location — share with friends — share while using app — always share all users locations
Design Space

All our brainstormed ideas grouped in, and between the different design dimensions we defined

Design: What should it be?

Design Concept

Who's is it for: 20-something year olds; meeting in a city; looking for cool, new places; eager to explore (hipsters); social

What should it do: collaboratively plan a meeting time, explore spots then plan routes

Initial idea: Magnifying glass spot chooser with live collaboration

Description: Mobile/web app that helps decide and plan a meeting place halfway between all the participants. The halfway place is a (magnifying glass) object that shows suggested location based on categories (workplace, lounge, noisiness, bar, café, ...)

Design Concept

Who's is it for: 20-something year olds; meeting in a city; looking for cool, new places; eager to explore (hipsters); social

What should it do: collaboratively plan a meeting time, explore spots then plan routes

Initial idea: Magnifying glass spot chooser with live collaboration

Description: Mobile/web app that helps decide and plan a meeting place halfway between all the participants. The halfway place is a (magnifying glass) object that shows suggested location based on categories (workplace, lounge, noisiness, bar, café, ...)

Design Alternatives

Alternative 1: list of proposed locations/meetups
select several options, creates a list (can edit priority and/or order), share list

Alternative 2: color coded map
heat map overlay to show preferences of location type (bars, cafés, etc.) and attendees locations: green = easiest for all to reach and/or better recommendations, red = hardest for all to reach and/or least recommended spots

Alternative 3: automated list
users share meeting places, gradually a hierarchy develops, at the scheduled time of the meeting the place at the top of the list is picked

Alternative 4: live pick location together
explore map synchronously with other attendees, as points converge auto-select that location as meeting point (or: this aggregates locations and user vote afterwards)

Alternative 5: screen sharing
one map shared among attendees, collaborators highlight/mark/pin/note all ideas onto this shared map

Design Scenario

Personas: Rick, Simon, Emilia

Context: 10 am, everyone's at work in Paris, October 2019


  1. Rick wants to get coffee this afternoon so he sets up a new meeting for today, at 4pm, at a café
  2. Rick sends Simon an invite link to his GroupMeetup meeting
  3. Rick suggests a café he knows in the city center
  4. Simon logs into the meeting, and the heat map shows the best places based on café and Rick and Simon's locations
  5. Simon drags a meeting object to another café in a more green area
  6. Rick sees Simon place a new meeting, and taps the new location
  7. Rick agrees about the new location so accepts the new location
  8. Rick gets a call from Emilia, she wants to meet for a beer later this evening
  9. Rick figures he could save himself some traveling so he sends a copy of his existing meeting to Emilia, but changes the time to 2 hours later
  10. Emilia accepts his meeting
  11. It's a nice day so Emilia changes the type of location for their meeting to a park
  12. Rick gets notified and thinks that's romantic
  13. Both are online exploring parks
  14. As they explore parks, they converge on one park
  15. The meeting point is set to the park they both highlight at the same time
Interaction Table
Design Diagram
Video Prototype

Evaluation: Does it work?

Design Walkthrough

Findings from group design walkthrough using the first video prototype:

  • Scroll for more types of location when setting up a meeting
  • Clarification of "suggesting" a meeting location: Rick suggests a meeting location then sends it to Simon
  • Develop 2 separate use cases: 1) synchronous plan: Rick and Simon plan to meet today, 2) asynchronous plan: Rick and Emilia planning to meet tomorrow
  • How does Simon change location? What is feedback for Rick? No visibility of previous choices, create feedback of past choices
  • What is the use of duplicating an event to share it? If only the time changes? Who duplicates it? and WHY?
  • Interaction problems at different map zoom levels
  • Circles = meeting? or person? or choice of location?
  • How to manage multiple meetings? app only works on event/single meeting basis, create context
  • Confirmation screen problems
  • Live collaboration: social and group dynamic problems, and non-verbal communication
  • How to cancel an event? or quickly edit? Can this be moved into a new "decision" object?

Comparison of three interaction techniques to compare creating an event:

  1. Tap on the map
  2. Draw a circle on a map
  3. Drag a meeting object to a location

Expectations of preferences:

  • The meeting object is the most powerful so will be connected to higher user satisfaction
  • Tapping the map is the fastest
  • Drawing a circle is the best for sharing a meeting area then refining to a final location

Improvements based on breakdowns from the design walkthrough:

  • Show multiple meeting on one screen
  • Integration/exporting with calendar
  • Add invitees from contacts
  • Meeting halfway live in messenger app (confined to a chat)
  • Standalone app incorporates group info from a chat - use in tandem with in-messaging platform applet
  • Meeting object remains in the corner (toolbar) to drag onto map and create new
  • Gesture control for confirming events
  • Tap on meeting object, open options, then edit
  • Double-tap to create star on a location, add to the "decision object"
  • Create a "decision object" - store locations that are tentative, suggested, confirmed and rejected locations, multiple objects for every suggested location
  • Decision object can display a list of location choices
  • Top voted location becomes the selected location (no decision needed)
  • Create admin role within meeting, then admin chooses final location (can be supported by a list)
  • Circle to explore is a magnifying glass
  • Add dashboard plus a pop-up property editor to create new meetings or edit them
New Interaction Points
  • Tapping the new decision object to display location list
  • Suggesting meeting locations
  • Selecting other user suggested places
  • Drag and drop to duplicate events in the new dashboard
  • Tap to create in the new dashboard
  • Removed tap and double-tap on the explorer object
New Interaction Points
  • Tapping the new decision object to display location list
  • Suggesting meeting locations
  • Selecting other user suggested places
  • Drag and drop to duplicate events in the new dashboard
  • Tap to create in the new dashboard
  • Removed tap and double-tap on the explorer object

Redesign: Make it Better!

Generative Walkthrough

Interaction points and the problems or questions that arise at each one:

  1. Creating an event — split into sub-interaction points: 1) set the type of location, how to allow creativity with this? 2) set the time, 3) set the date, 4) is saving a different interaction?
  2. Set location — explore in the first screen, to explain early in the prototype, can location be set before properties?
  3. Sharing an event — double-click to share is not intuitive nor discoverable
  4. Exploring locations — too many locations, sort by category? bubble is an interactive object to edit the meeting and to explore places? Add an interaction point to explore a café in detail
  5. Set a new location — how can the category be changed? Add new interaction point
  6. Reuse — share an existing meeting with others
  7. Accept other's location suggestion — show how to duplicate and send and share but why is duplication necessary? Add to scenario to a better reason for duplication, duplication with invitees
  8. Collaborative spot picking — problem with big groups, does it need to be live? Use a moderator or use a list with voting: autocomplete a halfway meeting point (or have suggested location on map), define weighted versus exact ordering, does location change as invitee list changes?

Other findings:

  • Change "share" to "invite", and "send" to "share"
  • Clarify what tap and double-tap actions do
  • How do events repeat or can you make repeatable events?
  • Show travel time on routes
Revised Concept

An app for groups of friends to plan and explore, to meet up in cool, new places which are conveniently or equally “afar” for all of them, with emphasis on exploring new places and picking a final location collaboratively.

Storyboard 2
Video Prototype 2
Project Poster & Poster redesign