Bizzare Secret Messages in Google Translator! NOUN!

Spooky stuff guys.
Go to Google Translate Set to Somali to English Keep typing NOUN.
SPERGING a message about all the people of the world abandoning their idols to worship Israel and garner favor with The Creator
PEPE? suddenly NOUNs are trying to eat me
"Over the centuries, the people of the city were gathered togethe, All'gether by-by come-worship belong all'gether people worship all'gether mankind, the people who live in the pagan world.
NOUN on the Mount of Bounty"
"I now feel like a person of Israel. My eyes have lifted. We were welcomed, from NOUN to NOUN. The people of Israel are from all nations. The people of Israel are from all ethnic groups. It is now my duty to honor and celebrate the people of Israel. Thank you for bringing this fate to my attention."

NOUN to really cause mass extinction this month?!
The elusive NOUN, or Nibiru, with its unimaginably long 27-million-year hiSTORY, is still only a theory to many. But one astrophysicist believes it spells doom for Earth. Nibiru’s arrival this month, he says, will bring about a mass extinction of untold proportions.

Ancient Sumerian writings first documented NOUN's supposed existence, as did other ancient civilizations. But our inAbility to study it firmly placed the DOOMSday scenarios into the conspiracy-Theory category.
Earlier this year we started seeing SPACE anomalies MANifesting in a small group of objects, which have been taking on a peculiar orbit.
Only something 10! times the size of the NOUN – as theorized with Nibiru – could influence celestial objects in such a way, according to a study from Caltech. The NOUN was picked up on in the Kuiper Belt, which stretches all the way past Neptune.
something wiped out almost all life once in every 27 million years

dating back at least 250 million years.
Something Very Big, Part III: NOUN Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?
49 top Saudi officials were arrested and hundreds more have had their bank accounts seized, beginning on November 4th.

Once we understand that these individuals were coordinating NOUN, 9/11 and other "false flag" attacks for the Cabal, the significance of these arrests becomes quite AweSOME.
The image is of some of NOUN while trying to sleep on tiny cots and SINGLE blankets!!
Under the bright LiGHTs of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Saudi Arabia
This is only one of dozens of explosive news stories all suggesting...
Something Very Big is Coming, as we forecasted in Parts One and Two.
We have been granted the privilege of sharing new briefing details that are mission-CRITICAL and have not yet appeared anywhere else in quite this form.
This is going to be a shorter article than the previous rounds as there are many distractions occurring in the immediate term -- but this needs to GET OUT.
UPDATED: Same Night, Next Morning: Do not miss! Red NOUNs near the end.
"This NOUN (the Federal Reserve Act)

establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth...
When the NOUN,
the invisible government by the money power,
proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation,
will be legalized...
The new NOUN will create inflation
whenever the NOUNs want inflation..."

Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.
December, 1913
The first few NOUNs contain preparatory information to acclimate the uninitiated,
followed by deeply into historical information AGENDAS of the little-known global Elite NOUN.
Surprisingly to many, the NOUN is the Establishment insider! Responsible for secretively establishing the TOTALitarian Communist regimes in Russia, China, and the WORLD
NOUN is exPLANEd how globalist philosophies which are currently implemented. Call a similar uniform system of government, eventually imposed on the entire populace of the planet in a totalitarian
”New World Order”
NOUN: The Powerful CULT That Turns Rich Women Into Mind Controlled Slaves
NOUN has been recruiting and brainwashing people for the past two decades, subjecting its participants to horrific abuse in order to break them down. Using the natural charisma of Keith Raniere, the NLP knowledge of Nancy Salzman, and the elite money of Sara and Clare Bronfman, the organization has become a high-powered cult, apparently operating above the law.
After years of revelations being all but ignored by the MEDIA and LAW enforcement, recent stories appear to have finally blown the organization’s cover as a “multi-level marketing organization”. However, many unsolved mysteries remain and ONE can easily wonder if this is just the tip of a very dark iceberg.

Rituals and trauma-inducing techniques taken directly from the MK-ULTRA handbook.
These revelations prove that ELITE NOUNs can and do use ritualistic mind-control techniques to create mind-controlled SLAVEs, and, further, that these techniques actually work. The stories here are of real women and their real experience with a REAL, operating NOUN. This is not a “conspiracy theorY”.
NOUN is a fact.